第38回JCI JAPAN TOYP 2024 青年版国民栄誉賞 受賞報告】

2024年06月19日(水)、第38回 JCI JAPAN TOYP 2024の授賞式が開催されました。仙台JC推薦の【株式会社ElevationSpace 代表取締役の小林 稜平さん】が準グランプリ(総務大臣賞)を受賞しました!!



■TOYP(青年版国民栄誉賞)とは (The Outstanding Young Persons=傑出した若者たち)とはあらゆる分野で社会に持続的なインパクトを与えることができる可能性を秘めた傑出した若者を全国各地から探し出し、彼らの活動を発信、支援することを目的とした事業です。

The 38th JCI JAPAN TOYP 2024 National Honor Award for Young People

The 38th JCI JAPAN TOYP 2024 award ceremony was held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Mr. Ryohei Kobayashi, President of ElevationSpace Inc. recommended by Sendai JC, received the Runner-up Grand Prix (Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award)!

Comments from the award winners
Thank you very much for this prestigious award.
Our mission at ElevationSpace Inc. is to “create a world where everyone can live in space and enrich the future of humanity.
We are engaged in research and development, experiments, and demonstrations in space in our satellites, and are engaged in the business of returning those satellites to the earth.
We would like everyone to feel the importance of space development. We also need your support in order to continue to advance our business. We look forward to your support for ElevationSpace Inc.

Sendai Junior Chamber will continue to support Mr. Ryohei Kobayashi, who is developing a global business based in Sendai. We look forward to your continued support.

The Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) program aims to find outstanding young people from all over Japan who have the potential to make a lasting impact on society in all fields, and to promote and support their activities. The Outstanding Young Persons = Outstanding Young Persons is a project that seeks out outstanding young people from across Japan who have the potential to make a sustainable impact on society in all fields.
