【香港 アイランドJC ウェルカムディナー開催報告】

【香港 アイランドJC ウェルカムディナー開催報告】






【Report on the Hong Kong Island JC Welcome Dinner】

Our sister JC, Island JC in Hong Kong current members and past board presidents, including our 2024 board president, Jackie, came to Sendai.

Last night, we held a welcome dinner with President Otaka, past presidents, and special members with whom we have exchanges, and had a good time.

Island JC and Sendai JC have been sisterhood partners since 1994, and this year marks the 30th anniversary.
Although we have had exchanges at ASPAC and the World Congress, this will be the first time reunion since 2022.

During their stay, they will watch the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival and we hold an exchange meeting with current members.

We are grateful to our seniors who have nurtured this friendship over the years, and we will continue to nurture our friendship through various exchanges in the future.