
7月20日(土)、21日(日)サマーコンファレンス2024が今年も横浜で開催されました。本年は「Design the future」というテーマのもと、参加者それぞれの地域にある課題を解決するために、参加者が住み暮らす地域を理想の地域としてデザインし、もち帰り実践することのできる機会を目的として開催されました。


国際ビジネス推進会議へ副議長として出向している高橋 陽介 君をはじめとする出向メンバーが開催したフォーラム「Be the next Generation~新時代を切り開く国際ビジネスの始め方~」、

財務運営会議へ副議長として出向している福重 祐作 君をはじめとする出向メンバーによる、20日(土)、21日(日)の2日間に開催した日本JCの賛助企業によるブース出展

JC連携推進会議へ幹事として出向している佐々木 直貴 君はじめとする出向メンバーによる、「全力サポート!!JC大相談会」のブース出展、「Update the JC!!!~みんなで話そう協議会の在り方~」と題したフォーラムを通し、多くの学びを得る機会となりました。

「Report of JCI JAPAN TOYP~傑出した若者が、未来を変える!~」では、仙台青年会議所からエントリーをさせていただき、第38回JCI JAPAN TOYP 2024(青年版国民栄誉賞)にて見事準グランプリ(総務大臣賞)受賞を果たした小林 稜平氏を含めた受賞者の皆様のセミナーが開催されました。



Summer Conference 2024 was held again this year in Yokohama on July 20 (Sat.) and 21 (Sun.). Under the theme of “Design the future,” this year’s conference was held with the aim of providing participants with an opportunity to design their own ideal community in which to live and work in order to solve problems in their own communities, and to take their ideas home and put them into practice.

Many JCI Sendai members are on secondment to JCI Japan.

Yosuke Takahashi, who is seconded to the International Business Promotion Council as Vice Chair, and other seconded members organized the forum “Be the Next Generation: How to Start International Business to Pioneer a New Era,

Booth exhibition by JC-supporting companies held on Saturday, 20th and Sunday, 21st by seconded members including Yusaku Fukushige, who is seconded to the Financial Management Council as Vice-Chairman.

JC Cooperation Promotion Conference” by Mr. Naoki Sasaki, who is on secondment to JC Cooperation Promotion Conference as a secretary, and other seconded members. JC Great Consultation Meeting” booth, and ”Update the JC! ~JCI members, including Naoki Sasaki, exhibited a booth at the “All-out Support!

The “Report of JCI JAPAN TOYP – Outstanding Youth, Changing the Future! ~The seminar featured presentations by the winners of the 38th JCI JAPAN TOYP 2024 (Youth version of the National Honor Award), including Mr. Ryohei Kobayashi, who was awarded the runner-up prize (Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award).

Also this year, we held a joint LOM Night with our sister JCI Shiraoi JCI. It was a valuable opportunity for our members to come together and deepen our friendship through exchange with each other’s JCI.

We will use the experience of participating in this year’s Summer Conference 2024 for future LOM projects, campaign development, and organizational management.