【笑顔で繋ぐ世界への架け橋〜Future Leaders EXchange Program〜】事前研修1開催のご報告⁡


〜Future Leaders EXchange Program〜】

長年英語教諭として日本の英語、国際教育を牽引されてきた講師、株式会社アイエスエイ 取締役 平田敏之氏をお招きし、8月の国際交流事業に向けて、これからのグローバル社会に必要なリーダー像やマインドセット、異文化交流の重要性についてのセミナーを開催いたしました。参加者同士の自己紹介やグループワークも開催し、それぞれが国際交流に対するワクワク感を高め、同じ目標を持つ仲間たちと共に、事業への素晴らしいスタートを切ることができました。


A bridge to the world with a smile
〜Future Leaders EXchange Program]
Report on Pre-Training 1

The Committee for the Creation of a Smiling Children’s Future.

On 22 June (Sat), a pre-training session was held on [Bridges to the World with a Smile
〜Future Leaders EXchange Programme
Project Training 1 was held on site.

The seminar was held in preparation for the international exchange programme in August, inviting Mr Toshiyuki Hirata, Director of ISA Ltd, a lecturer who has led English language and international education in Japan as an English teacher for many years. Self-introductions and group work among the participants were also held, and each one of them was able to increase their excitement for international exchange and get off to a great start for the project together with their peers who share the same goals.

The participants will now be divided into six groups to work on their tasks for the next Pre-Training 2 online international exchange on Saturday, 27 July.
