【笑顔で繋ぐ世界への架け橋〜Future Leaders EXchange Program〜】国際交流事業開催のご報告

〜Future Leaders EXchange Program〜】


8月22日(木)から23日(金)に【笑顔で繋ぐ世界への架け橋〜Future Leaders EXchange Program〜】国際交流事業を仙台市太白区秋保町で開催いたしました。







jcisendai【A bridge to the world with a smile】
Future Leaders EXchange Program
Report on the cultural exchange program

28 junior high and high school students and 9 junior students invited from the Philippines joined the program.
Through various activities over one night and two days, they enhanced their understanding of each other’s country and built a wonderful bond of friendship.
At the beginning of the first day, the students seemed to have difficulty communicating with each other due to nervousness. However, through English conversation lessons, BBQ, and leadership training, they soon realized that they were all smiling at the end of the day. All participants enjoyed the Japanese cultural experience and proudly presented the Japanese culture they had prepared. It was a day of experiencing how quickly the children grew up.

On the second day, the participants had a discussion about local issues in Japan and the Philippines, which they had prepared since the pre-training. Each group came up with a solution and made a presentation. The time passed quickly as the groups actively presented their opinions, overcoming language barriers. At the farewell party at the end of the event, they expressed their gratitude to the sponsor companies, and parents who had cooperated with them, and tearfully said goodbye to each other.

Although the two days were short, we hope that all the participants were able to
qualities as global leaders, and were able to embrace a sense of excitement for the future.

I would like to once again thank everyone who participated and for their understanding and support. Thank you very much.they received as they work toward full membership approval.