【第7回例会 開催報告】

【第7回例会 開催報告】

例会では、宮城県仙台中央警察署地域課長 遠藤淳一様より雑踏警備における注意点を警察の立場から説明及びレクチャーしていただき、雑踏警備に対する危機感と主催者としての責任感を高める機会としました。




The 7th regular meeting was held on Friday, July 26, 2012.
The 7th regular meeting was held to explain the security and clean-up plan for the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival to be held on Monday, August 5, in order to ensure a safe, secure, and clean event.
At the meeting, Mr. Junichi Endo, Chief of Regional Section, Sendai Chuo Police Station, Miyagi Prefecture, gave a lecture on security precautions from a police standpoint, providing an opportunity to enhance a sense of crisis and responsibility as an organizer of the festival.
In addition, the security plan and clean-up activities for the day were also explained, and individual briefings were held for each security plan group by area.
This year, we invited Mr. Shiho Ono, the winner of the best design award in the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival Visual Contest, to give a speech about his thoughts on his work.
The 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival will be created together with the members of JCI Sendai and various collaborators.
Please come and enjoy the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival on Monday, August 5.

For more information on the 55th Sendai Tanabata Fireworks Festival, please visit the following website