【2024年度東北青年フォーラムⅰn青森 参加のご報告】

2024年度東北青年フォーラムⅰn青森 参加のご報告

公益社団法人日本青年会議所 東北地区協議会 2024年度東北青年フォーラムin青森が9月6日(金)~8日(日)、「みちのく魂~世界に先駆ける東北の実現~」の大会スローガンのもと、東北6ブロック72LOMが一同に集い盛大に開催されました。
 メインフォーラムでは、青森県知事の宮下 宗一郎氏、青森県出身タレントの王 林氏による「~地域経済を切り開く地方経済活性化のイノベーション~」をテーマとしたパネルディスカッションが実施された他、青森県を中心に食・物産を販売する「Kitchen Car Fes」や「エコカー展示・体験会」などが行われ、市民を巻き込んで盛り上がりを見せました。
 また、AWARDS TOHOKU 2024では、昨年度実施した「作ろう!みんなの情報発信! ~子ども情報クリエイター~」が、見事優秀賞を受賞しました。
 クロージングセレモニーでは、仙台JCより出向している菅原 啓太君が、2024年度東北地区協議会会長として、東北地区内のメンバーへ熱い想いを伝え、次年度会長予定者へバトンを繋ぎ、本年度の大会の幕を閉じました。
 仙台JCからは、会長 菅原 啓太君、運営専務 須知 享君、総務広報委員会 委員長 伊藤 啓君をはじめとした多くのメンバーが東北地区協議会に出向しており、現地にて運営を行い大変活躍しておりました!

  • jcisendaiThe JCI Tohoku District Council 2024 and the Tohoku Youth Forum in Aomori was grandly held from September 6th to 8th, with 72 LOMs from 6 blocks in the Tohoku region gathering together under the slogan “The Spirit of Michinoku: Realization of a World-leading Tohoku”.
     The main forum on the 7th featured lectures by Soichiro Miyashita, Governor of Aomori Prefecture, and Wang Lin, a TV personality from Aomori Prefecture, on the theme of “Innovations for revitalizing local economies that open the way to local economies”. Also, the “Kitchen Car Fes” where food and products mainly from Aomori Prefecture were held.
     In addition, AWARDS TOHOKU 2024 featured the “Let’s make it! Information Transmission for Everyone! Children’s Information Creator,” which was conducted last year in JCI Sendai, was awarded the Excellence Award for its success in deepening the understanding of information among participating children and for creating and distributing “Karuta” Japanese card game on media literacy.
     In the closing ceremony held on August 8, Keita Sugawara, who will serve as a special advisor to JCI Sendai 2024 conveyed his passionate wishes to the members of the Tohoku region as president of the Tohoku District Council for 2024, and passed the baton to the president-elect for the next fiscal year.
     Many members of JCI Sendai, including President of the Tohoku District Council for 2024 Keita Sugawara, Executive Director Takashi Suchi, and General Affairs and Public Relations Committee Chair Kei Ito, were on secondment to the Tohoku District Council and were very active in the local management of the event!
    Seeing JCI Sendai members working together with people from other LOM members, we believe that all the participating members were able to learn the joy of nurturing friendships that transcend organizational boundaries and the importance of working hard. We would like to share what we learned at the forum with those members who were not able to attend the forum and make the most of it in JCI Sendai activities. JCI Sendai will continue to develop projects for the development of the Tohoku region by further strengthening the unity of its members.