9月22日(日)〜9月28日(土)には定禅寺通りにてSENDAI SDGsWeek 2024も開催されます。
・合同会社Circular Thanks(企業出展ブース)
・AIR FIELD(企業出展ブース)
・日本盲導犬協会 仙台訓練センター(実践ブース)
Report of the Meeting] May 25
May 25
The 5th Regular Meeting (May Open Regular Meeting) “Smile – Our Actions Create the Future
Report on the 5th Regular Meeting (May Open Meeting)
The Committee for Creating a Happy Sendai (City).
On Saturday, May 25, 2024, we held the SDGs Stamp Rally titled “Smile – Our Actions Create the Future” at Mitsui Outlet Mall Sendai Port.
Participants were asked to think about their own actions toward the SDGs by taking part in four types of booths: a quiz booth, a corporate exhibition booth, a practical booth, and my SDGs declaration booth. 423 citizens participated on the day.
SENDAI SDGs Week 2024 will be held on Jozenji-dori from September 22 (Sun.) to 28 (Sat.).
We will send out details as soon as they are finalized!
Partners who collaborated with us:
Vegalta Sendai Corporation (company booth)
Circular Thanks, LLC (corporate exhibition booth)
AIR FIELD (corporate exhibition booth)
Imaginazione Corporation (corporate exhibition booth x)
Sinto Sogyo Co.
Sendai Refashion Day Executive Committee (booth)
Tohoku University Public Space Boccia Project D&I (booth)
Japan Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Sendai Training Center (practice booth)
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.
VOOM Corporation (prize sponsor)
